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Ferry de nuit

Sujet démarré le : Le 11 déc. 2018 à 13:59
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Floriane sur

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Messages postés : 2
Depuis le 11/12/2018
Le 11 déc. 2018 à 13:59 Vu 5066 fois Floriane sur a dit :

Nous sommes 2 a voyager en thailande en janvier et nous arrivons en avion à Surat Thani le 12 janvier à 19h. Le ferry de nuit nous semble la seule option pour nous rendre à Koh Tao mais je n'arrive pas à trouver comment réserver. Pouvez-vous svp m'aider ? Merci d'avance et bonne journée,

Utilisateur anonyme
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Messages postés : 1
Depuis le 06/10/2019
Le 06 oct. 2019 à 17:07 ArthurCaula à dit :
My name is Olga, I lived and worked in Belarus and my husband Sergey is from the North Caucasus. we started communicating a year ago on the Internet — in a well — known social network-and in April this year we celebrated the anniversary of our acquaintance. The first time we talked on "Skype" and soon realized that we need each other.

feelings Flared up, even though we were almost 30 years old at the time. Sergey, without hesitation, came to me in Belarus (in may), and in June I came to visit him with his son. It felt like we'd lived our whole lives together. In September, I completely moved in with Sergei, and in December we officially registered the relationship. We've been happy together ever since."

"My future husband saw me on a Dating site, and my son registered me there to play his "shooter". And we met quite by accident, 150 km from home-between my and his cities, in a roadside store. Says, not believed their eyes, before unbelievable was meeting. He bought water and I bought coffee. The funny thing is that in the photo I was in the parade, and here — shorts, t-shirt, full trailer potatoes (we were returning from the wholesale market). But he recognized it anyway — helped open the doors, spoke. Three months corresponded and called back, and then together celebrated New year. Now our daughter is 7 months old. Here is and not believe after this in fate!»

Personally I tried my Luck here:
- https://fas.st/WgJjG - FotoStrana

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