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Secteur : Mango Bay
Note globale
Sur 49 avis
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Emplacement |
9,1 /10 |
Chambre | 7,6 /10 |
Services | 8,6 /10 |
Equipement et confort | 7,2 /10 |
Service de réservation | 8,6 /10 |
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Derniers avis
We had a pleasant holiday during 6 -12.Feb 2016 at Ao Muong Resort(101 room), the beautiful sight and kindly service give us unforgettable memory. Thanks from bottom of heart, we will happily recommend our friends to Koh Tao and stay in your resort.
I would like give you some advice to help Ao Muong Resort to be more attractive:
1、 Change the electricity supply time: 12:30-14:30 (many guests need sleep at noon, and it is the hottest time in a day) ;
18:00-4:00 (4:00-6:00 no electricity is OK)
No more cost, but more comfortable.
2、 Change yellow coarse sand to white fine sand: If the sand can be changed, Mango Bay will exceed Nayuan island; Since the beach is not long, the cost will be limited(perhaps 2 boat sand is enough): you can take off the surface yellow sand(60cm depth) into the sea , instead of white sand(90cm depth), and the wave will spread the white surface sand in the nearby beach. IF you dought the effect, you can try in a small scale on the west corner beach. [R24 integr.ERR:escaping]
le 2016-02-17
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